Adoption Event
Four Paws Pet Market
27241 Bay Landing Dr.
Bonita Springs Fl 34136
Adoption Event
Four Paws Pet Market
27241 Bay Landing Dr.
Bonita Springs Fl 34136
Saturday, October 2nd
12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
November 14 & 15
12:pm to 3:00pm
November 14 & 15
12:pm to 3:00pm
PetSmart Cat Adoption Event
PetSmart Cat Adoption Event
Join us and our Fosters as we bring you Cats and Kittens available for adoption!
2415 Tarpon Bay Blvd
Unit 2
Naples FL 34119
REDUCED Adoption Donation
Dec. 5 4:30-6:30 pm
Dec. 5 4:30-6:30 pm
Living my Best Four Paws Life
Annual Fundraiser
Happy Hour
Living my Best Four Paws Life
Annual Fundraiser
Happy Hour
Seaside Bar and Grill
24851 Old 41 rd. Bonita Springs 34135
Ticket includes: VIP entry, 2 drink coupons, appetizer, 1 raffle ticket. Additional raffle tickets available for purchase .
Sept. 19,
Sept. 19,
PetSmart Adoption Days
PetSmart Adoption Days
Naples PetSmart
Naples Fl.
Come see Dogs and Cats available for adoption
March 14,
12:00 am to 3:00pm
March 14,
12:00 am to 3:00pm
PetPeople - Naples Walk
PetPeople - Naples Walk
PetPeople- Naples Walk
2500 Vanderbilt Beach Rd, Ste 1106 - 1108
Naples, Fl 34109
January 18, 12 to 2 pm
January 18, 12 to 2 pm
This event was so much fun! Look for us next year!
Starbucks Paws on the Patio
This event was so much fun! Look for us next year!
Starbucks Paws on the Patio
20000 S Tamiami Trail Unit 201, Estero, FL 33928
Come see puppies and Mr. whiskers the cat
Feburary 16
7:00 am to 2:00 pm
Feburary 16
7:00 am to 2:00 pm
This event was so much fun! Look for us next year!
Y​ard Sale Booth at the Mysore Fig Tree Group Sale
This event was so much fun! Look for us next year!
Y​ard Sale Booth at the Mysore Fig Tree Group Sale
9011 Broadway E, Estero, FL 33928
October 20
10:00 am to 3:00pm
October 20
10:00 am to 3:00pm
This was a great success, sorry you missed it! Maybe next time!
BarkAID 50 States Tour
Haircuts with proceeds going to Fur and Tails Animal Rescue.
This was a great success, sorry you missed it! Maybe next time!
BarkAID 50 States Tour
Haircuts with proceeds going to Fur and Tails Animal Rescue.
the SALON, Naples, a Paul Mitchell Focus Salon
7345 Davis Blvd ste 6, Naples, FL 34112
Call (239) 529-3981 for appointments
minimum donation
October 20
10:00 am to 3:00pm
October 20
10:00 am to 3:00pm
This was a great success, sorry you missed it! Maybe next time!
BarkAID 50 States Tour
Haircuts with proceeds going to Fur and Tails Animal Rescue.
This was a great success, sorry you missed it! Maybe next time!
BarkAID 50 States Tour
Haircuts with proceeds going to Fur and Tails Animal Rescue.
the SALON, Naples, a Paul Mitchell Focus Salon
7345 Davis Blvd ste 6, Naples, FL 34112
Call (239) 529-3981 for appointments
minimum donation