King’s Injury, Diagnosis, Surgery and Recovery
King’s Injury, Diagnosis, Surgery and Recovery

Donations Fund King's Diagnostics, Surgery and Recovery!
Donations Fund King's Diagnostics, Surgery and Recovery!
Every little bit help! Although we use Facebook Fundraiser and have a Go Fund Me for King's recovery, these options take time to disperse the funds. Sometimes a month or more. King's diagnostics, surgery and care are very time sensitive. He needs help and he need help NOW. As time goes by, his body is healing. This is great for cuts and bruises but his spine is damaged and compressing his nerves, every day we wait there's a chance for more damage that could be irreparable. DONATE NOW!

March 12. 2022
Thank you all for patiently waiting for a King Update! He had his 2 week appointment a couple of days ago and as before, he’s surpassed everyone’s expectations! He’s doing fine and he absolutely must feel better as we’ve had a hard time keeping him calm and in his crate. Our next assignment is to keep him calm, but stilll allowing him to get exercise…. It’s not easy as this sweet boy is ready to play. His live life to the fullest shines through each time he’s in our exercise yard. Again, we are so grateful to everyone who’s donated towards his care, without each one of you we can’t help animals in need like King. His next appointment is in 4 weeks. At that time, they will do follow up X-rays to ensure the his bones are healing as they should.
King’s Day 9 after
Bone Fusion Spine Surgery
King’s Day 9 after
Bone Fusion Spine Surgery
February 25, 2022
We are so pleased with King’s recovery!! Can you believe how good he is doing? Thank you to all who’ve donated! We could not have have helped him without you! We’re still accepting donations for his care.
King’s Day 6 after
Spine Fusion Surgery
King’s Day 6 after
Spine Fusion Surgery
February 23, 2022
Nothing better than recovering from surgery with a bone and your new Bestie! King has his first follow up appointment next week. He’s doing very well! We’re so proud of him. He’s such a sweet boy. Thank you to all who’ve supported his surgery and recovery.
We’re still asking for donations for his recovery.
King’s Surgery Day Update!
King’s Surgery Day Update!
February 17. 2022
We picked up King around 3:00 pm. He’s doing well! He’s nauseated but still the happy boy he always is. As you can see from the video he’s doing much better! He still has a long recovery ahead, but we are so optimistic! He’s on 6 medications and will have ongoing check up’s.

February, 16, 2022
9:00pm update.
The surgery went very well. He had 6 metal implants into the spine to fuse the fractures and to protect his spinal cord. The Neurologist/Surgeon said he really is a miracle dog, his strong muscles were what was keeping him together, and keeping him from more damage. He was already healing and she was able to use some of the scar tissue to help stabilize his injuries along with the metal. She took him for a walk before surgery and pottyed and then gave her a kiss. She called him King the Miracle dog. He is waking up now and we don’t know exactly when he will be coming home. We’ll have more updates with pictures tomorrow.
5:50pm update
. S.C.A.N. Called and they just started the surgery. The surgery is expected to take 3 to 4 hours. They will call when complete.
Morning update
Today is the DAY! King has been dropped off, and after a late dinner last night and a little play time this morning, we’ve dropped him off at S.C.A.N. Naples. We are so thankful that everyone has been so concerned about him and everyone has been so generous. We are still taking donations towards his surgery and care. You can find the instant donation link at the bottom of this page. Watch here or on Facebook for his Surgery pUP Date!

February, 15 2022
King is doing well. He’s adjusting to life with us. He is eating, drinking and most amazingly, he’s going potty in his exercise time. We’re amazed every moment we spend with him. He’s such a deserving little guy! And his will to live, love and please us is so heartwarming.
So today, for an update I’m going to share a few images of him. We’re so busy with him and the other animals in his care that we don’t take as many pics as we should. We are so thankful for the generous people who’ve donated towards his care. Wether it’s on the Facebook Fundraisers, Go Fund Me or Cash/check we’re so grateful! Without all of you we couldn’t save animals like King.

Surgery Scheduled for Wednesday Feb.16.
Surgery Scheduled for Wednesday Feb.16.
February 9, 2022
King’s Surgery will be on Feb. 16th with S.C.A.C. Naples Fl. JAs I get more info, I’ll share it here. Estimated costs for surgery are between $6700 and $7800. Please donate below to help us cover the costs.

A Moment of Hope
A Moment of Hope
February 7. 2022
Carri’s words last night were “He’s beginning to trust me”. Truer words have never been spoken. If anyone can gain the trust of an injured and scared animal, it’s Carri. This sweet man-dog has no idea how lucky he is to have such a caring, driven woman advocating and caring for him. This was late last night and I wanted you all to see this beautiful moment of hope.

S.C.A.N. Diagnostic Visit
S.C.A.N. Diagnostic Visit
February 7. 2022
King was seen today at SCAN Naples. He was evaluated by them and they also viewed the 2 sets of X-Rays that were done previously. He was a good boy, and started out with a Muzzle. He was a bit grumpy, and we don't blame him. BUT, they were able to remove the muzzle and were able to complete their evaluation.
The Neurologist who saw him was very optimistic about his prognosis. She also felt that the X-Rays that were previously done, gave her a lot of information and she felt that she would one more X-Ray, while King was sedated to evaluate his injuries. The cost for the new X-Ray was $794.63. Included in that fee is a diagnostic, a full blood work up, antibiotics as he had a fever and a heart worm test. All must be done before we move to the next step.
The Neurologist feels that King is a good candidate for spine surgery (with an estimated cost of 7607.46 paid in full before surgery) AND here's the big news.: SHE THINKS HE WILL BE ABLE TO RECOVER AND BE ADOPTED!!!! She said he was a good boy and doing very well considering his injuries. We are relieved and so happy for the prognosis. We know that the road will be long, costly and involve specialized care and physical therapy. We will update the descriptions of the Fundraisers for clarity to include surgery as well. But... with all of your help WE can make a difference!

Owner Surrender
Owner Surrender
February 07, 2022
Today was a very emotional day for us regarding King, he was surrendered today from his family. They love him very much, but they do not have the financial capacity to give him the care he needs. We commend their bravery and understand their sorrow but we all know what they've done is the best for this sweet dog, no matter what the outcome.

King's Urgent Plea to fund Diagnostics
King's Urgent Plea to fund Diagnostics
Facebook Fundraiser and Go Fund Me Posts
Facebook Fundraiser and Go Fund Me Posts
February 3, 2022
Urgent! PLEASE HELP KING. We received an email requesting an opportunity to surrender an animal. Upon discussion with the owner, Carri found that King was injured and unable to use his hind legs. He’s in pain and although he’s greatly loved, his owners are not able to get him the specialist care he needs. They love him and are looking at any option to help their dog. Since no other rescue groups stepped up to help this poor boy, It was determined that we’d do what we could to help him.
Carri (Fur and Tails Animal Rescue) along with Find a Home Give a Home Rescue were able to coordinate an X-ray. The X ray was the first step and although useful, additional diagnostics needed by an animal neurologist were recommended. The neurologist is estimating that the cost of the diagnostics will be $3800.00. King has an appointment on Feb 7th with SCAN of Naples.
Since our rescue operates on personal donations, a few small grants (we need grant writers!) and with NO paid employees we are asking for financial assistance to cover the additional diagnostics.
At this time, we’re unsure of his treatment plan… or even if additional treatment will relieve his pain or offer improvement in his mobility. We just feel that he deserves to be helped. Animals are not disposable and this sweet boy needs to be given a chance! We know this is not the easy route, and it will be expensive with a lot of work and heart ache. We’re just hoping to get some help with the financial portion so we can focus on King and his needs.

Donations Fund King's Diagnostics, Surgery and Recovery!
Donations Fund King's Diagnostics, Surgery and Recovery!
Every little bit help! Although we use Facebook Fundraiser and have a Go Fund Me for King's recovery, these options take time to disperse the funds. Sometimes a month or more. King's diagnostics, surgery and care are very time sensitive. He needs help and he need help NOW. As time goes by, his body is healing. This is great for cuts and bruises but his spine is damaged and compressing his nerves, every day we wait there's a chance for more damage that could be irreparable. DONATE NOW!