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Meet the "Bubbas"

These 4 Bloodhound babies were rescued from the east coast of Florida about 4 weeks after being born. It appears they were born outside during the cold snap and they have suffered from extreme frostbite injuries to their feet and ears. They are currently in the process of receiving veterinary care for these injuries. These 4 brothers were outside with little human interaction. Sadly, there were others in the litter that did not make it.

The smallest, most injured puppy; Clyde has broken a bone in his foot due to walking on one of his damaged feet. He's lost all of his toes on that foot and 2 others are similarly injured. He has one normal foot. It had not slowed him down until he broke a bone .

Along with Clyde, there's Rooster, Trusty and Big Red. Rooster has injuries similar to Clyde, but not as extensive. They both have frost bite on their feet and ears. 

Big Red has a congenital deformity of one of his lower eye lids. He's had surgery twice on it at San Carlos Park Animal Hospital, special thanks to Dr. Skov and his amazing team!

While they've been in the care of Fur and Tails, they've had the opportunity to gain some weight, play and learn about new things. They are finally able to play outside in the grass and are beginning to love human interaction! They especially love snuggles on the sofa. They are also visiting the veterinarian on a regular basis to get caught up with their shots and for their surgeries and health issues. Look for updates on their progress soon!

Donations of any kind are greatly needed and accepted. Tax deductible donations can be mailed to Fur and Tails Animal Rescue 17070 Kentara Way, Fort Myers FL 33913 or click the easy donation button below. Thank you for your compassion, kindness and generosity.

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The "Bubbas"

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